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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Winter ROX!!!!!

Okay, just so this is clear, this is NOT a post about rocks. 8D

Winter is my absolute FAVORITE season!
I luv it,
Luv it,
LUV IT!!!!
I mean, come on.
There are so many reasons why it is positively AWESOME!!!!!
1. Girls don't have to shave their legs.
2. One word: SNOW.
I can't get enough of that cold little white fluffy stuff.
3. Ice, ice, and more ice!!!
Come on.
How many of you out there DON'T luv sliding around on those little icy patches?
*crickets chirp*
Yeah, thought so.
I don't think I could live without snow days!
(Well, and we need time to do our neglected homework. 8D )
5. No bugs.
Flies and mosquitoes are just drawn to me, so winter gives me times to replenish my blood supply.
I get AT LEAST ten bug bites on the first day of spring.
Hate those annoying little guys.
6. You get to freeze your butt off as you hide under your bed covers waiting for the big wintery ice monster to pop out of your closet and munch you to death!!
...Wait, that might be a bad thing.
Oh, well.
You get the point.

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