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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

To Cook...or Not to Cook?

To size it all up in a nut-shell, "Cook or Not to Cook" shouldn't be a matter of either/or; but a question asking..."How much of each should I consume daily?"

According to most research done on raw verses cooked foods, scientists have discovered that a little of both is required in order to have a well-balanced diet which contains all of the daily nutrients and vitamins our bodies need; yet have a minimal dosage of toxins from pesticides and other chemicals obtained through food preparation.

A diet exclusively made of raw food sounds good.

Raw fruits, nuts and vegetables are loaded with many vitamins and minerals the body needs to function at its best.

However, in most individuals, the human body is not designed to function on an exclusive raw food diet.

Most starchy vegetables are easier to digest cooked than uncooked; and should be cooked without salt or butter.

Although fresh fruit and salad vegetables contain vitamins such as A, C, and D, and are loaded with minerals the body needs to maintain normally on a daily basis.

The human body still needs small portions of cooked starchy foods to provide it with the protein and carbohydrates needed for daily energy.

Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage which contain goitrogens (which inhibit thyroid hormone) and are neutralized with light cooking, as well as some leafy greens, like spinach, kale, chard and collard greens which contain oxalic acid which reduce the absorption of calcium and can irritate the intestines. (Vreni Gurd, writer for Trusted.MD)

Below is a list of foods that are easier to digest when cooked:
.Baked Potato
.Cooked Grains (brown rice, wheat, oatmeal, quinoa)
.Beans & Peas
.Nuts (should be roasted or soaked in water, excluding peanuts)
.Collard Greens

Below is a list of foods that are more beneficial for the body consumed raw:
.Alfalfa Sprouts
.Fresh Fruit

According to Gurd, Ideally 40-60% of our diet should consist of uncooked foods.

In a normal diet, it can be difficult consuming that much raw food in one day.

Therefore, you should try starting your morning off with mixed berry smoothies.

For a great smoothie recipe go to: http://worldtherapycenter.blogspot.com/2010/08/mixed-berry-smoothie-1-cup-orange-juice.html.

Add a fresh fruit and some yogurt to your lunch menu, followed by a fresh salad approximately 1-2 hour later(yogurt helps your body to digest uncooked vegetables).

Then have a mid-day snack consisting of celery (no dipping sauce), cucumbers, carrots, and/or nuts.

And finally, for the last meal of the day be sure to included steamed vegetables along with all of your evening meals.

If you are watching your weight, try to excluded as many starches as possible from your evening dinner.

In conclusion, it is safe to say that no one preparation is the WINNER in the battle between "Cooked or Non-Cooked Foods."

Just like "light" verses "dark", "yin" verses "yang," and "cold" verses "hot"....each must exist to create a well-balanced and healthy life.

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