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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

House Hunt: The Beginning of the End?

We've looked at about 25 houses since the beginning of the year, and finally, last week, we found one we both wanted.  So we prayed, thought, and talked about it, and then went back this past Monday to see it again.  We still liked it a lot, so now we're negotiating with our realtor about our offer.

And get this.

The owners are Christians.  And home-schoolers.  And they have two kitties.  They like Jane Austen, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars.  They play some of the same computer games Trevvor played in high school.  They have the same dishes as my mom.  They have the same clock as my brother... and the list goes on.

All that to say, we were being creepers as we explored their house, but how comforting to know that the current owners share common values and a similar lifestyle with us!  It made us want to buy the house even more, possibly seeing these little signs for more than they were... or maybe not.  God speaks to us in mysterious ways.

Shady, private backyard

The house is about five minutes away from an awesome shopping center, which will make my life (and my errands) much simpler.  It's about 12 minutes away from Trevvor's office without traffic.  It's less than an hour and a half from my parents house.  And--most exciting--there is a church of Christ just a stone's throw away!  I think it's even less than five minutes driving time.  But even if that's not the church the Lord wants us to worship with, there are dozens within easy driving distance.  (Yey for living in the Bible Belt?)

Their adorable kitties.  The gray one let me hold her, but though 
the black one was very curious, he was also quite skittish.

We're negotiating with our realtor about the offer right now, and should have one in by the end of the week!  They have already offered to help the buyer with closing costs and to cover a one-year warranty on the house.  I'm SO excited.  I pray that the process will be as smooth as possible, and I'll be sure to keep you posted!

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