" " " complate desaign home: My dream wedding ???

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My dream wedding ???

30 Day Challenge

Day 26 ~ My dream wedding

I`m so not a wedding person. As long as I can remember,
I`ve avoided them. Of course, when I was little I was forced to
go to relatives` weddings by the billion but as soon as I could say no...
well, I never went again. xD
They always made me so uncomfortable somehow. O.o


...yeah. until I got married with the mighty Fluffmeister. XD
TADAAA!! \^^/
Tho I was still uncomfortable. XD

Even then I really I didn`t dream of the wedding. I just wanted to
get the whole thing done and start concentrating on the life after. ^^<3
So many always dream of the perfect wedding, forgetting that
the life after the ~one big day~ might not be as perfect. =(

I wanted a simple, quick ceremony at the register office and
a small late lunch gathering with my closest family and friends. ^^
Fluffy agreed since it was already his second time so he wasn`t
exactly impressed by elaborate ceremonies either. XD
And his family couldn`t make it so..whatever ok. ^^

I did enjoy my moment of Royalty. XD My maids of honour
carrying the trail of my Princess wedding dress (which was
made by a relative of mine <3 amazing lady!) and having someone else
do my hair and make up for a change. Although I kinda hated my make up..
it was all good until the woman decided to use BRONZER to shape my face..
and anyone who knows me knows I`m so NOT a bronzer girl. >.</
Pale with blushed cheeks..yes, me likey. Bronzer...hell no. >.<///
Ah well..I never used it since so who cares. ^^

After the quickie ceremony we went to a lovely restaurant (Ravintola Sipuli)
in the harbour area of Helsinki for lunch with family and friends.
We had a private cabinet set up and it was really nice.
Yummy food ^^d Most important. ^^ hihi

Many of my friends met Fluffy for the first time and they had no idea
why I call him by that nickname...so of course I had to demonstrate. XD

His hair is incredibly fluffy xD Simple as that. And he
reminds me of a super fluffy bunny coz he`s also got a little
bunny teeth thing happening. XD <3

It was time to get serious though and take some `official` picciage:

Which lasted about two seconds coz we`re just the silliest pair
and can`t be serious for too long xD :

SNORT! v^o^v 

So after all the hooplaah was done, we headed back to the hotel
to change back to our `normal` clothes (which for me was a black
punk loli h.naoto dress XD) and we met up with a bunch of other friends
in a fun local bar for drinks and chuckles. ^^d
It was purrfect for us. Just fun, hanging out in good company...^^d
We ended up partying and dancing til morning and dragged our tired,
slightly drunken arses back to the hotel eventually.
Haha..so dream wedding? Yeah, I guess you could say so. XD

Next morning we had breakfast with sis and her fiance who also stayed
at the same hotel and they were really hung over so we also went out for
a drink that afternoon to the Aussie bar close to the hotel. xD hihihi
Back to normal then. Wedding day, done. Phew. ^^

So that`s the story of our `dream wedding`. Well, we just prefer to call it
`the day we got hitched`. ^^ Dream wedding blah..it`s the marriage itself
that`s more important, we hope. All the good and the bad that come after ~I DO~.
I can only dream that the path we`ve chosen together will be great, loving, supasilly
and full of adventure. ^^d

Huggles for my bubbles ^^<3

Mamma Moon =^^=

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