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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Moving Beyond Survival Mode in terms of Housekeeping

Yesterday, I shared how I manage the housekeeping when I am totally overwhelmed and exhausted. Click here if you missed that post. Today, I wanted to share my tips #4 and #5, which I only do if #1, #2, and #3 have been done (those are the tips I posted yesterday).

If I have any energy left for anything more, I move onto my tips #4 and #5:

4. 15 minutes. . you can do anything for 15 minutes. I learned this from Flylady. You set the timer for 15 minutes and work as fast and as hard as you can on the area that needs it most. If you have preschoolers or older kids, have them join you. When the timer beeps, you are done and you are to sit on the couch and rest. Or is you have kiddos, gather them and read a book.
5. Most Important Tasks of the Day. I write these down. #1 is laundry. #2 is kitchen, which includes knowing what is for dinner. These 2 points I shared yesterday. #3 is what else I would like to accomplish. Just one more thing for today. Yesterday, my #3 was to call and make a doctor's appt for our newest son.

Sure would love for you to shoot me an email or leave a comment and tell me how you manage house cleaning when you are in a crazy and chaotic season of life. Or tell me what are some of your favorite blogs or books on the subject. One of my favorite blogs on housekeeping is Like Mother, Like Daughter.

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