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Monday, June 20, 2011

{a birthday giveaway ... }

{my 1st birthday, gotta love the Strawberry Shortcake party hat}

Happy Monday! Well, maybe Monday is not usually that happy ... but today it is for me! It's my 29th brithday! My last twenties b-day. I've come up with a mantra for myself for this next year, to be 'better at 30 than I felt at 20'! My plan is to sit down and make a detailed list involving things I'd like to work on pertaining to my own heath, spirituality, career, creativity, and overall happiness over the next 365 days. I'm excited to start chasing my dreams!

On another note, I'm off to celebrate my birthday in Vegas and will be soaking up the sun for much of this week. Be sure to pop by while I am away for a fabulous guest post tomorrow and tons of other goodies during the week.

And now, to the really good part! To show my appreciation for how wonderful you all are to me, I've got a fabulous BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY. The winner will recieve a large {16"x20"} professional print of one of my own original pieces, which I've titled 'Postmodernity.'

{detail shot of the professional print on satin matte finish archival paper, back signed by me,
original is a chalk pastel drawing}
Here's how to enter::

1} become a follower via Google Friends Connect + leave a comment here

Additional ways to enter:: {please leave a comment for each}

2} follow along on twitter
3} like Marcus Design on Facebook
4} tweet about this giveaway {including @marcusdesign in your tweet}

Winner will be announced on Monday, June 27th, and this giveaway is open to domestic and international entries. Bonne chance!

{PS} That's one of my top priorities for this coming year, to take my art more seriously and give myself more time for this favorite hobby of mine!! So here's a good start, sharing my artwork with all of you!

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