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Sunday, June 19, 2011

The State Of My Urdu

My Urdu classroom, held in the choir room of a church.
My Urdu class ended a few weeks ago, and many of us in the class successfully lobbied for the organization to offer an Urdu III class at its next session. During the interim weeks, a few of us would sometimes get together to read dialogues and short stories. I was only able to go to about half of these meetings, but it was beneficial and i could feel my reading skills improving a bit. Every time I went I brought Dulhan, my sister-in-law, with me. She served, as a native speaker, as one who could correct our mispronounciation and tell us what any new words meant. She was really helpful.

Last minute cramming before my weekly class, holed up in a Caribou Coffee.
Urdu III began meeting two weeks ago, this week with be the third class. We haven't yet moved on to any other verb tenses or conjugation, and it seemed like most of the 10=week Urdu 2 class was spent learning to read and write. Which I can say I am able to do now - perhaps even at a level that could be considered "elementary."

Dictation in class, with red corrections from my teacher.

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