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Sunday, June 19, 2011

How to get rid of Bad Breath and Ways of Cleaning Teeth

Bad breath is the common name of the medical condition known as halitosis (eg, hal-uh-toe-sis). Many different things can cause halitosis - from not brushing your teeth with certain medical conditions.

Sometimes bad breath can blow a person - and he or she may not realize that there is a problem. There are tactful (nice) ways of letting someone know about bad breath. You could offer mints or sugarless gum without having to say anything.

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If you need a friend that he or she has bad breath, you could say that you understand foods can cause bad breath, as I had before you.

By letting someone know that bad breath is not something unusual, you make your friend feel more comfortable and less ashamed of accepting your piece of chewing gum.

Teeth are a popular cosmetic treatment dental relief. The teeth become darker caused by food, antibiotics and age. There are plenty of drinks like red wine, coffee and tea can lead to stained teeth.

Stained teeth can be important due to smoking cigarettes, snuff or medications. This method performs dental making use of a large number of oxidizing solutions to the teeth with plastic trays for a short period of time. The trays include a chemical bleach or method.

Bad breath is breath that has an unpleasant odor. It is also known as halitosis. This odor may occur from time to time, or can be lengthy, depending on the cause.

Millions of bacteria live in the mouth, especially on the back of the tongue. In many people, who are the main causes of bad breath. The mouths of warm, moist conditions are ideal for the growth of these bacteria. Most bad breath is caused by something in the mouth.

Some types of bad breath are considered normal. Usually, there are health problems. An example is "morning mouth." This is due to changes in the mouth during sleep. During the day, saliva carries food spoilage and odors.

The body produces less saliva at night. Your mouth becomes dry, and dead cells adhere to the tongue and inside cheeks. When bacteria use these cells for food, which produces an unpleasant odor.

Treatment of Bad Breath

Treatment of bad breath should go to the source of the problem, is to be effective. Over 80% of the bacteria that cause bad breath originates in the back of the tongue. Bad breath treatment must reach this area if it is to change the condition.


Treatment of bad breath is an important part of good oral health. Bad breath can be a sign of a healthy mouth or other adverse medical condition.

Infections of periodontal disease, gum disease and breast can all cause bad breath. Treatment of bad breath you must remove the cause of bad breath. Bad breath treatment that only covers the smell is not treating the problem.

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Chewing mint leaves soon freshen breath and simple home remedy for bad breath.

Bruzhing teeth after every meal to prevent bad breath.
Gargle with baking soda dissolved in warm water. Can also be used for cleaning the tongue. This remedy is one of the good home remedies for bad breath.

Drinking a cup of unsweetened tea will help cure bad breath.
After meals chew some sunflower seeds and drinking a glass of water. This is a good natural remedy for bad breath.
Eating yogurt for 6 weeks altogether bad breath.

A good natural remedy for bad breath is tea made from Fenugreek (methi).

Chewing cloves after meals every day will help you deal with bad breath.

Squeeze a lemon into a glass of water and gargle frequently. Good home remedy for bad breath

Read more on Home Remedies for Bad Breath and Herbal Products and Herbal Supplements

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