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Monday, June 20, 2011

Let Me Upgrade Ya

by Beth

Well, it's that time again. Time to upgrade my cell phone. I really, really thought I wanted a Smartphone, preferably an iPhone. Why, with one of those I could check and respond to my emails! Take a picture and post it to my Facebook account! Check the weather any time I wanted and download tons of Apps. How cool would all that be??

And then I realized that since I work from home and am at my computer all day, I already have the ability to check and respond to email, post pictures on Facebook and check the weather. Never mind that I'm not even sure what an App is or why I would want one (or several dozen). I just couldn't force myself to spend so much money AND raise my monthly cell phone bill (already high enough thanks to having three kids on it) to justify getting a Smartphone.

Plus, I have to be honest, I rarely even use the cell phone I have except to text my kids. The only time I use it daily is during RWA's conference where most of my text conversations go like this:

Me: Where are you?

Friend: Just got done at a workshop/In my room/In the bar

Me: On my way.

Yes. I'm quite the texting conversationalist ;-)

So, no Smartphone for me, although I can get online with the one I did get (if it's not a Smartphone is it a Dumbphone?) but with limitations. I figure by the time I'm ready for my next upgrade, I'll know if I'd truly use a Smartphone often enough to open my wallet *g*

Do you have a Smartphone? Do you want one? Do you love your cell phone or are you like me and only use it rarely?

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