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Monday, June 20, 2011

How to keep fingernails healthy

Maintaining healthy fingernails is not very difficult but like any other part of our body our fingernails also require to be pampered and taken care of. To beautify and to keep our fingernails healthy we should do following things:

  • Dont be harsh with your fingernails: detergents and other harsh chemicals that come in contact with our nails during various household activities can damage our nails. Always try to wear gloves while doing house hold work.
  • Moisturize the fingernails:  you can use any moisturizing cream or you can also massage the nails with jojoba oil  especially after exposure of fingernails to water. There are two ways of moisturizing fingernails first is by applying moisturizer (ointment or cream) and the second way is by soaking the nails in natural oils.
  • Trim and File the nails : trim and file your nails from time to time. This can be done after bath so that the nails are soft. If you have very thick nails then you can soak the nails for few minutes before filing them (do not soak the nails in soap water).
  •  Massage your nails : use nail oils to massage your nail so that they remain soft and well moisturized. natural oils like olive oil and castor oil are good for keeping  fingernails healthy.
  • Be careful while choosing your nail paint:  dont buy cheap nail polish as they may leave your nails pale and dull. There are many good brands that offer chip proof nail polish, strengthening nail polish etc. Always apply a base coat before applying colored nail polish. Apply moisturizer to the nails after using any nail polish remover.
  • Take proper diet: Diet plays a significant role in keeping the finger nails healthy. Ensure that you take good amount of vitamin in your daily diet. Drinking carrot juice makes the nails strong.
  • Do not cut the cuticle: Cuticle gives protection from fungus and bacteria so don not remove them. Apply cuticle oil and then gently push back the cuticles to make them look tidy. Use orange wood stick instead of using metal.

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