" " " complate desaign home: Fleas!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Yesterday much success {and fun} was had at the Rose Bowl Flea Market. Lots of friends, lots of interesting people watching, and lots of goodies came home with me!

Like this brass elephant.


Brass ram candlesticks {we got a pair.}


We always get TONS of brass at the flea market.

A girlfriend got this chair as a pair, but only needed one, so I'm the lucky winner of the other! Just needs a little re-upholstery love and it'll be happy as a clam in my office. Before I pick an upholstery fabric, I need to pick a color scheme that can {hopefully one day} nicely transition into a kiddo's room.


This bottle is "allegedly" from the 1890's and "allegedly" was used to hold poison. Not sure if I buy that, but I bought it anyway. It lives next to my big "S" - a previous flea market find.


I didn't take these all home with me, but I just loved this table of glass bottles. I'd love to fill a white bathroom with them!


A yellow waste basket - our first step towards our yellow-gray-white color scheme master bedroom.


Last week I happened upon a sample sale when I was taking a client furniture shopping - found these great brass flowers {since I can't keep fresh flowers alive for more than 5 minutes.} I think they like living next to our owl, an old flea market find!


My feet are still achin' from all that flea market walkin'. Time for a pedicure!

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