" " " complate desaign home: See ya, Percy

Friday, May 27, 2011

See ya, Percy

We've slowly been working on potty training over these past few months, and the other day, I thought we'd had a major break through.

Ian's diaper tab snapped about an hour before nap time and I decided we'd just let him use the potty if he needed to pee or poop instead of putting on another diaper. He didn't protest, and the next thing I hear is him saying to Andrew, "No, Andrew. I'm on the potty."

I scurried over, witnessed Ian's (self-initiated) success on the potty, and praised him to high heaven. About half an hour later he did it again.

All by himself.

We were both so proud. We put a diaper on for nap, but as soon as he woke up, he asked for his underwear. No accidents for the rest of the day!

The next morning, the first thing he asked for was his Percy (puh-see) underwear. After he went to the potty, we slid them on, and I went in the kitchen to make breakfast. Not but 5 minutes later, Ian said he'd had an accident and that he'd peed in his underwears.

Accidents happen.
No worries.

Until I figured out that the underwear were not just wet.
They were the dirtiest of dirties.
Which made stripping him out of them very tricky. And messy.

Body parts, the floor, the toilet, me...nothing was spared. So I wiped him down as best I could and threw him into the bathtub. (I also threw the Percy underwear into the trash...mess and all. I couldn't bear trying to deal with that on top of the other. Ian is still talking about how I threw his underwears away. :))

Andrew was eating breakfast, and until this point, doing alright. But right about the time I started scrubbing Ian down, Andrew initiated a screaming meltdown.

I felt like joining in, and very nearly did.

Instead, I laughed.
And added another event to the "This is Awesome" chronicles.

I also decided to take a little break from full-bore potty training. I need a backyard and non-carpeted floors for this to work for everyone. September, I'm looking at you!

A few pictures from the good day that preceded the Percy poo incident.

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