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Monday, May 30, 2011

How To "Flip" A Craigslist Find For A Profit- Part 4- Pricing

If you are still reading this series, thank you! And since this is the last installment let recap. We chose our table and chair for a great price, cleaned it up, painted it, and distressed. Now it's time to put it up for sale on craigslist. Our goal is a quick sale, right!

1) Know your market- I live in a college town and in spring time, when all of the co-eds leave town and sell all of their worldly belongings, I go hit craigslist hard. You will probably find your fair share of particle board desks and dressers, but mixed in you will also find some great priced solid wood pieces. 

I also know that spring is not the best time to sell. 1/4 of my town has just left and won't be back until fall. I will either price my pieces very low right now or wait until fall when they all come back. Then they will need some cute furniture!

2) Pictures- We bloggers LOVE taking great pictures of our work to show off to each other. Use those photos on craigslist! Don't go crazy just the facts here. One that shows of the whole item and maybe one or two to show off the detail.

3) What information to include- A brief description, dimensions, also write that you will only deal in person and with cash (this is actually very important in protecting yourself against scams.) Last but not least...

4) Price- In order to come to a fair price for your piece we need to take into account a few things.

How much did you buy it for?  $10
How much work did you put into it? I try to pay myself an hourly wage. $25 is my current rate x hours spent 3 = $75
Materials used= This is just an estimate since I already had all of these items on hand. $7

Total: $93 

Now we need to add in our negotiating cost. A lot of people on craigslist want a bargain, I know I do! So there is usually at-least one episode of bargaining. I generally build in about $20 to my price for this. 

Now we are looking at $113, round up for good measure to $120.

Tada! Thats it. 

I am sure all of you have some great tips I have missed. PLEASE leave them in the comments so everyone can read them. After all I am just getting started. 

Lastly, please be careful when inviting people to your home to look at furniture. Make sure you have someone else with you. I try to have the piece in the garage for them to look at. That way I am always outside and never in the house with a perfect stranger. Most people are very nice but you never know. 

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