" " " complate desaign home: taking the facebook plunge

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

taking the facebook plunge

The idea of adding a Mennonite Girls Can Cook facebook page to the growing list of  things to do for blogging made me skeptical about the ratio of effort versus result.
Yesterday morning when our blog readers scrolled down to read the daily recipe. .
their eyes saw the "find us on facebook" and the   "like" button on the right margin.

By eight in the evening. .
we had 192 people "like" the page.
I was both humbled and delighted.

I had wondered what the benefit would be to have a facebook page.
After all. ..we already have a place that people can leave comments and we make every effort to respond to their queries and comments.  What we did not realize is that the facebook page allows readers the freedom to talk about whatever is on their mind.
We can comment back directly under their comment and it feels a lot more like we are having a conversation.

We were blown away by the comments about the book.  Such kindness and such encouragement had me wondering why we waited so long to produce the page.
We still have much to learn about doing a decent facebook page. .
but we're willing and eager to use this new avenue to correspond with our readers.

We'll be able to let you know. .
how our supper is cooking. .
and what we busied our day with. .
and what our plans are in the coming days..

Spread the word. . .
Mennonite Girls Can Cook. .
is on facebook. 
We'd love to chat with you there.

all for now. .

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