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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Celebrations

Yesterday was Memorial Day in America, a day when we celebrate our armed forces, remembering those killed in past wars as well as prisoners of war and those missing in action. It's also a day when a lot of Americans get together with family and friends for cookouts. My whole family, several states away, had a barbeque. And we did too! I write here about my experiences in an intercultural marriage and that's mostly about my adjustment to the Pakistani influence in my life, but my husband and his family could write a blog all about the exact opposite situation - intercultural marriage and dealing with the weird American influence in your otherwise Pakistani life. For heaven's sake, my sister-in-law and mother-in-law tasted a hot dog for the very first time yesterday. Does it get an more American than hot dogs on Memorial Day?

Actually our whole day was an exercise in the American experience. We all started the day with yard work. We're building a planter in our backyard and it's requiring everyone to pitch in. Then we all went for a dip in the inflatable pool - it was 95 degrees outside during all that yard work, after all.

After that we fired up the grill and then came a little. Pakistani influence. Dulhan spiced up half the ground beef with Pakistani spices because ahe thought plain burgers would be too boring. But don't worry, the hot dogs were unadulterated :-) We also had potato chips, pickles, lemonade and watermelon.

Then, as we all munched on our mostly-American fare, I put on a movie for us. What better way to cap off a day of classic Americana - Superman! Truth, justice and the American way!

Hope you all enjoyed your holiday!
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