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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The garden in May

Its really bothered me that both this year and last year i missed out on showing you my 'beginning of Springtime' photos from our back garden. We have several fruit trees and the blossom is so pretty. And then there are the bluebells, daffodils, and primroses too. I have the photos, but i didn't get the time to sit down and show them to you. I also missed out on showing you photos from the bluebell woods which we visited :-(
So right now, on the last day of May, im jumping in quick to show you photos from my garden this month. I'm sure that next month i will be able to show you my vegetable patch (or rather, strip) insha'Allah. It is two or three times as big as last years plot and im very excited about it.

So, here are my 'end of Springtime' photos, all taken in my garden during the month of May.

Common Lizards and Blackbirds

Dandelions and Damson trees

My Beautiful Rhododendron - my anticipation for the moment the buds open over rides everything else during the start of May!

I think this is a type of fern (although i didn't know ferns had flowers). If you hold them against your nose and sniff, you will smile. They smell incredible, perhaps the nicest flower smell ive ever smelt!

This Aquilegia is in a wild overgrown part of my garden, its flowers are striking and so are its leaves. It took me a while to find out what it was but now that i know, i want more of them insha'Allah!

Edited to add: I just realised that he mosaic maker seems to have pixelated / blurred my photos, sorry for the poor quality, they are much clearer as individual photos.

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