" " " complate desaign home: Midsummer

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Okay so Midsummer/Litha is right around the corner and next to Samhain, it was one of my favorite Sabbats. Something just so magical about midsummer, even more so imo. At our home we usually do a small bonefire in a fire pit. Bbq, roast marshmellows later in the evening, and after the kids have gone to bed, us adults have a few midsummer drinks:P.

Our rituals are small but we dance around the fire and give and offering to the fae. My daughter last year made a flower chain. My husband made little cookie drops, and I made a Smoke offering ;P.

We ask that the Goddess and the Fae bless us through the rest of the year and watch over us and then we douse ourselves with fairy dust that we make. Adults and kids alike have a blast. Last year the day after we woke up to a fairy ring in our back yard. Trinity went nuts running around screaming "the fairies came the fairies came!!!"

Gonna share some of my midsummer recipes for the next few weeks till midsummer is upon us:P. First one os for those who cannot drink such as kids, people who can't due to medications or medical conditions or those who simply choose not to.

Midsummer Fae Tea:

Makes a decent sized pitcher
4 chamomile tea bags
3 regular black tea bags
6 Lavender flower Whole or 2 tablespoon dried lavender

Pop a coffee filter in the coffee pot, add all the ingredients and brew like you would with coffee.
Pour whole pot into pitcher and add another pitcher of cold water.
Chill and serve over ice.

Makes and awesome refreshing drink. we make it year long around here when we get the winter blues.

Blessed Be

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