" " " complate desaign home: Love The One You're With-Paula of Two Ellie

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Love The One You're With-Paula of Two Ellie

Today I am so excited to have not only a talented blogger guest posting but also a dear friend! Paula is such a genuine person and that comes across not only on her blog, Two Ellie, but also in her house! You have already seen her kitchen on H&H here, and now we get to see another part...
I am so excited that Marianne asked me, Paula of Two Ellie, to share in her series "Love The One You Are With". As I have shared with her countless times on one of our coffee or lunch dates that our home is simply not my dream home. It was purchased as a home we were only going to stay in for two years and then we were going to buy "the one", but of course times changed and now we have been in this house for over 4 years. Ha. Needless to say this series is perfect for me. I had to learn to make this home into "The One I Love". The living room was the room that gave me some trouble. It has a funny layout within the open floor plan. From the entry you walk into this space. The fireplace is in the corner, the kitchen is to the left, the door to right is the master, and the sunroom now dining room is directly behind. There aren't many walls to work with so everything kind of has to float. A standard sofa felt funny in this room. Made it to angular for my taste so when the Mr. and I came across this sofa from Rowe I was smitten. We got a killer deal on this piece so the fabric is not exactly what I would have chosen, but saving over a grand made up for that. This room has evolved over years. The always constant is my antique coffee table. It was my first big home purchase when I was in college. The pillows on the chairs are not really mine. They are from Tracery. Doug was kind enough to let me borrow them when I was shooting my home for a local magazine. My pillows were on back order and I needed something to fill the space. To be honest if I hadn't already bought the others these would have had to of stayed home with me!So this was the room that gave me the most trouble, but I must say it's now one of my favorite spaces. It is perfect for movie watching, greeting clients, and just enjoying family. It holds so many pieces that are dear to me. It also makes for a great pass through for the kiddos when they are riding their scooters indoors. I must say I am now content and this is now home for however long that may be. It truly became the one I love.

Thank you Paula, I can say with first hand knowledge your home is so warm and inviting and full of personal touches!

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