" " " complate desaign home: I walk with beauty ...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I walk with beauty ...

I feel blessed to be surrounded by such beauty ...
On any given day, no matter what the weather, I see it everywhere as Ernie & I walk...

I stop and talk with the squirrels :-)

who are hoping, I'm sure, that I have brought a treat! ...

the ducks swim closer to shore

thinking the same thing :-) ...

buds are appearing everywhere...

the sun and rain have awakened them ...

We are never alone on our walks ...

And there are subtle signs that others have been on the same walking path...

The chipmunks were very happy to find generous amounts of corn scattered on rocks...

I smiled as they filled up their pouches...

BEAUTY before me

I walk with

BEAUTY behind me

I walk with

BEAUTY above me

I walk with

BEAUTY below me

I walk with

BEAUTY all around me

I walk with

~Navajo Night Chant~

I write this hesitantly, and with a heavy heart (and many tears) as my boy Ernie is not well.

Our daily walks have become more and more special. We've been walking at a very slow pace of late, and notice everything because of it.

Over the past few weeks, he has suffered two strokes and after a number of tests and x-rays we have been told by our wonderful, kind and compassionate vet that his time with us is limited.

So I will be taking a little break from the computer ~ enjoying this time with my Beautiful Boy ♥

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