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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Zumba Diary...No, I haven`t forgotten ^^

Hello my darlings!

Having a Bouncy Bunny day like I am? Hopelies so! \^^/

Realised I haven`t updated my ZUMBA Diary for ages!
Gomenne! It was supposed to be a weekly thing but
it`s really hard to keep it up. I promise to update it
every now and then anyhoops, for those who might be interested. ^^

I never stopped doing ZUMBA during this time tho.
How could I stop?!?!? Much too much fun. ^^d
After the big earthquake in Japan things were just rather hectic
so zumba diary wasn`t first in my mind. =(

But then I went to Finland for a month to see my family
and did ZUMBA almost everyday. Got my sister totally hooked on it too! ^^
I usually lose weight in Finland naturally compared to Japan but doing Zumba..
it really made me lose weight faster than ever and I was about 8kg lighter
in less than a month! \^^/

Now back in Japan and I`m continuing the same!
Somehow Japan is not my friend when it comes to weightloss.
I`ve put on a lil more weight since I came back even tho I keep to same
diet and excercise routine. O.o  Ah well, I excercise almost daily no matter what.
I keep one or two days off to relax muscles but usually even on those days
(which tend to be the weekend) I`m always out with my hubster
walking around so natural excercise GET. ^^d (We tend to walk A LOT
on our shopping sprees O.o usually about 5-10km per day.)

For those who still have no clue about ZUMBA latin dance fitness program,
please check their website for info on the history of this fantastic excercise,
how to get dvds and go to classes near you. ^^d
They have a wide range of classes all around the world and good links
to get more info in your own country. ^^d

If you don`t have a class near you (tho they really are everywhere these days)
or can`t buy the dvds..there`s a billion Youtube videos around as well!
You can find Zumba enthusiasts from all over the world and take a peek
into real life Zumba classes.^^d
Here are some samples from Youtube:

Here`s the basic steps demo from the original ZUMBA excercise dvd. ^^
For those who have never danced latin or other styles, it`s a good
introduction to some easy steps. ^^ Merengue, Reggaeton, Salsa

Salsa! \^^/ Love it. Could dance all day long. ^^<3
I feel this instructor is based more on aerobics than dance coz
her movement is stiff and no hip action whatsoever (or too much
at the wrong place xD). I come from Latin dance background
so it`s all about the hip shaking for me but each to their own. ^^d
Fun class anyways! ^^d
And I love this song and it`s still my fave Zumba Salsa
and I`m always an energy bunny after dancing this. ^^d

Totally fun class doing Merengue which is also one of my fave styles
coz it`s fast and energising. ^^d This is easy to follow. ^^d

So hilarious! Reggaeton. As you can see, people really freak out
on these classes..and it`s just so fun. ^^d

Well, like I said there are a gazillion of these videos on the net
so just go have a look if you`re interested. ^^d Or better yet,
sign up to a Zumba class urself! ^^d

Back to buttshaking I go! (even tho this was supposed to be my day off xD
but I can`t resist..especially after writing this..hihi! ~~^^///)

Have a great day hunnies!

Mucho huggles,

Mamma Moon =^^=

Ps. This was not a Zumba promotion or commercial xD
I just love it. xD

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