" " " complate desaign home: weekend review {//} garage sale finds

Sunday, June 12, 2011

weekend review {//} garage sale finds

My BFF, who now lives 2 hours away for school, was here visiting yesterday. We hit up some garage sales and thrift stores. Here are a few of the things I found. 
 I love the illustration and the quote on this plate--too cute. 
 Couldn't really pass this up, even though it has a few dings. 
This pillow looks hand-stitched...so pretty. I'm going to probably get it dry-cleaned because there are a few light stains on it. 

My ultimate score, though, were some cabinets! I'm planning on putting cabinets in my studio and I got a set that will be perfect for the upper portion. I still need bottom ones, but for $40 I couldn't pass up the ones I found. They're old, but in perfect condition. I'm going to be painting them before I hang them. I was worried about the top and bottom being mismatched, but the more I think about it the more I like the idea. I'm going to coordinate them with hardware and paint. I think it'll be pretty. :)

The wedding yesterday was beeeeautiful! I just love weddings. 
♥ jenny

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