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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


As i was cooking our dinner today i dashed outside for a few minutes to photograph my vegetable patch. I planted some broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage out there a few nights ago and i wanted to make sure that they had all settled in well.
Little D was foraging in one of our little 'left to nature' wild parts of the garden and found a snail. We turned it over to see whether it was sleeping or not, and discovered that it was just getting ready to protrude from its shell and take a look around. It managed to do two long poo's before its head even came out (Little D was at first humoured by it but on round two he decided that he would not come anywhere near it until the poop was out of sight!).
After i had removed all the detritus Little D declared 'Hand, hand!' and so we sat on the bench to
hold the snail. It left a slimy trail across his fingers, up his thumb, over his hand and along his arm until it reached his elbow. The whole time the snail was being closely examined, spoken too and kissed!

I never made it over to my veg patch (and im hoping the snail doesn't either) , so insha'Allah il be back with that post tomorrow.

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