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Friday, June 17, 2011

One + One = Our Precious Two

Ian has a lot to say. Always has. But give him a few of his trains and he's off in a completely different world. He narrates, acts out, does voice over, invents new characters and gets completely lost in his stories. It is beautiful. Precious. And quite a thing to witness.

Andrew is such a beautiful boy. I'm not sure if that gets lost between the stories of his exploits, his energy, his Bam-Bam and Animal-like tendencies, the ways he constantly makes us laugh. But his eyes, his smiles, and his love are so expressive, so joyful, so exuberant. I snapped these the other day as he was eating breakfast. He just takes my breath away! (And then knocks it out of me! :))

The two...
These boys really, truly love each other. Sure, there are squeals and raised voices. There are tears. And shoves. And lots of frustration. There are constant struggles with sharing (Ian's got a leg up on Andrew on this one), and looks of confusion that pass between me and each of them. But there is no love like the love they share. They are the first thing the other looks/asks for when they wake. They talk to and entertain each other all day long. They play chase and surprise and offer 'gifts' to each other at odd moments of the day. The hug and kiss spontaneously, and can make the other laugh in a way that no one else is able to. It is a precious, treasured, beautiful bond that I am so honored to witness.

I snapped these pictures the other day as Ian was helping Andrew remember the signs for please and thank you. Andrew broke into such a grin when Ian approached. He reached out, and with his full strength, pulled Ian into a bear hug. They hugged and kissed like this for the next 8 minutes. No lie. And then proceeded to play and laugh with each other in such a beautiful way for the rest of the afternoon.

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