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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Ok, right up front I'm here to tell you I HATE the Flying Monkeys!!!! Thus, the Wizard of Oz is not my favorite movie but the analogy of following a magical road to a magical place kind of fit with my topic.

While I don't care much for Dorothy and her crew, I do love magic. That is to say, I love magical romances and romances filled with more than the magic the hero and heroine have together. Although a rabbit out of the hat, so to speak can be pretty hawt!

I love the added spice of magical abilities. I want either the H/H to have the ability to turn the other into a goat J

Well, only if he deserves it.

You might be wondering why I am rambling on about magic and romances and goats. It's because I'm traveling a different writing road…a yellow brick road…to a new subgenre.

Don't be alarmed. My Roman boys are right there with me…I mean somebody has to protect me against those blasted monkeys (Psstt…Demetrius. Just to be on the safe side, take down anything wearing a bellhop outfit) but I'm exploring a whole different realm. A realm that I'm making up. A magical world that I'm building.

My new series is based in Irish mythology. I hope to bring a whole new spin to the folklore of old and cause some trial , tribulation and hot, steamy sex for my heroes and heroines. The first installment is a little over half-finished and was inspired on my third trip to Ireland. With one quick glance of a hunky, black haired, blue eyed Irish stone mason, my saga was born.

But to do this I have to build a world. I stand in awe of my favorite paranormal authors who have woven such wonderful, fascinating fantasy worlds: Sherri Kenyon, Lori Handiland, Jessica Andersen, JR Ward (I used to hate the addition of the "h" in all her names…but I'm so taken with her Black Daggerhood series I'm considering Johanie as my new moniker). They do a masterful job of blending myth with story and creating a back drop of magic for their H/H. I'm TRYING to be a good girl and make out a story "bible" but…I don't do structure well. I'm just letting my characters lead me along and when you're dealing with mischievous beings that can be challenge. Who knew that gnomes were poisonous? That the Lucky Charms guy is a mere caricature of the REAL warrior?

One aspect I'm concentrating on is their magical abilities. Oh, sure everybody can pull an "I Dream of Jeannie" and pop in and out, but I'd like to give them new twists. I also have to guard against making them able to do too much and they have to have their weaknesses. Easy, right?

Not so much.

Add to that the new challenge of writing within the contempary world, using dialect and I've got my work cut out for me and for my hero Ruarc, the High King Patric and assorted other hot blooded magical folk.

So I've been wondering, what magical power would you like to have? Any favorite magical beings i.e. vampires, werewolves, (shudder) gnomes?

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