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Friday, June 17, 2011


by Jo Robertson

Here's a quick bit of fun for a (hopefully not too) hot Saturday:

Television -- half-hour sitcom or hour-long drama? I love those sitcoms. They're only 22 minutes of viewing time (without commercials) if you want a quick break!

Sleepwear -- sexy and frilly, sloppy and comfortable, in the buff? Yeah, right, this body no longer does sexy. I want comfort!

News Broadcst -- computer, television, or newspaper? I keep telling Dr. Big that newspapers are out of fashion, but he loves his hour of reading in the morning. Me, computer news because I can pick and choose what to read or not.

Sports -- basketball or football or baseball? Don't hate me, but watching baseball is like watching paint dry, football's cool, but too slow, I love me some basketball!

Replacement for Charlie Sheen on 2.5? -- Ashton Kutcher (he IS the replacement), Charlie come back, or Aw, I wanted Hugh Grant and his lovely accent. aplusk (Kutcher's twitter handle) all the way; he's phenom (and I think I'm gonna be a stalker -- hey, doesn't he like older women LOL?

Let 'er rip, Bandita Buddies. What's your fave? Be sure to tell us why!

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