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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Boys. Brothers. Blessings.

The boys are growing quicker than I can think.

Ian looks like such a big kid these days - tall, slender, coordinated (well, most of the time). He tells jokes and totally gets our sarcastic humor. He works really hard at learning the words to the songs we listen to. He narrates stories that go on and on and on, but somehow make perfect (or almost perfect) sense. He is so helpful, so eager, so earnest, and so precious. He's taken to requiring 'a hug AND a kiss' when we say goodnight. We have long and deep and thoughtful conversations and his observations and his memory continue to stun us into silence. We love, love, LOVE our sweet Ian Arnold. HOW is it possible he'll be three in just a few months???

Andrew is our precious, wonderful, wild little man. He is a bruiser, diving headfirst into whatever he encounters. He refuses to crawl up stairs; instead he reaches out for a hand or a rail and walks up them. He LOVES dogs...loves, loves, LOVES dogs -(Cats and squirrels are also dogs these days...) and walks around with his deep, husky voice saying "Dah dah dah dohg." He continues to love Jesse, and his sweetness with her has inspired new (usually positive) attention from Ian for Jesse. He is such an affectionate, loving little boy who cracks us up at nearly every turn. His cries and screeches still pierce eardrums, but his crooked grin, open-mouthed attack kisses, and joi de vivre more than make up for them. He is an adorable, all-boy, love of a child and we adore him so. SO. MUCH. LOVE. for this little guy!

These boys fill our hearts so - and it gives us such joy that they love each other so.

Love these wild kisses from Andrew, Ian's unbridled laughter, and the way it all ends when Andrew gets a little rough with Ian's shoulder. Brothers! Such a blessing!

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