" " " complate desaign home: 10 Minute Laundry Room Clean Up

Sunday, June 12, 2011

10 Minute Laundry Room Clean Up

I have a confession. Remember last year when I showed you how great my laundry room looked? It was definitely cute. Functional? Not so much.

This is what it turned into... Don't judge me.

Turns out storing your liquid detergent in a cute glass jar really just makes a GIANT mess.


My wonderful hubby has laundry duty around here. But I was down in the basement today and couldn't take it anymore (this has been a progressive problem. Did you notice I recognized the problem back in January?) 

So I took everything off of the top, wiped it down. I didn't need any soap since it was COVERED. Just a wet towel. Got rid of all the pretty glass bottles, washed them, and stored them for another day. So sad. I also ran a cleaning cycle. I won't tell you how long my machine has been beeping at me to do this.  

Much better and it only took 10 minutes. What a huge difference. Why did I let this go so long?


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