" " " complate desaign home: "She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms."

I am a weak 23 year old woman.  I've never been involved in sports (I was a musician--didn't want to break an arm or finger).  I think I worked out a handful of times in high school at the local YMCA, and a few more times off and on in college.  I asked Trevvor to train me and keep me on track, but though he valiantly tried, he found in me a wimpy pupil.

But now, for a whole month, I've worked out three times per week at a nearby Curves.

And I'm seeing results!  In the past month, I lost over five pounds in fat mass and gained some pounds in muscle mass!

My motivations are clear and ever-present:

  • I want my body and my health to bring glory to God

  • I want my physical condition to honor my husband

  • I want to be able to handle the workload of keeping home and children

  • I want to be able to keep up with my oh-so-athletic husband

  • I want to continue to be attractive to my husband as I age

  • I want to have a more stable emotional life, which is (come to find out) intricately connected to your physical health

  • I want to be fit and able to give birth to as many children as the Lord blesses us with

There are others, more minor and specific than I'm sure you'd want to read.  But the point is, I'm motivated.  I'm motivated from the mind, but more importantly I'm motivated from the spirit.  

I don't just want to work out to have a "hot body," (though for Trevvor I'm sure that will be a perk); I want to exercise so I can be more like that Proverbs 31 woman, who strengthened her arms for her daily tasks of being a wife, mother, and home-keeper.  I want to have the energy to "rise while it is yet night" and prepare for the day!

And so, three times a week, I drive 20 minutes into town and take about 45 minutes to change, exercise, stretch, and change again before making the return 20 minute journey.  I don't like leaving the house that often, and I really don't like driving (period), but for the sake of my family, it's worth it.

P.S.  Curves is a women-only gym, and its woman-focus is apparent in its very design!  It's easy (sort of) to work out there--everything's in a circle and you just go around the circuit twice per work-out.  There are also computer chips that you put in each machine and they show you your progress after each session.  I love it!

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