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Sunday, October 24, 2010

The New Vision Forum--with wishlists!

Anyone who knows me knows I love to make lists.  Of everything.  To do lists, to buy lists, to read lists, to call lists... lists of goals, lists of projects, lists of everything.

Well, the new Vision Forum has a list.  Now, you can add items you want but cannot yet buy to your wish-list!!  Boy, I'm excited.  I think I added about 50 items to mine the other night after I got the latest catalog!  Here's my Wish List.

Also, this is something we already have and highly, highly recommend getting:

BBC embryo banner

This conference was so incredibly rich in information, scriptural and cultural.  These CDs (and we're still in the process of listening to sessions we couldn't attend) are preparing us to fight for life and defend our biblical stand on incredibly relevant issues in our society, issues that will define our generation.

Also, VF has added hundreds of new products to their inventory (many of which are currently on sale!) and, as a result, are discontinuing many items as well (many of which are also on sale).  Do give their new site a visit!

P.S.  If you access Vision Forum from one of my links, I will be able to earn commissions on your purchase.  I feel selfish saying that, but if you're planning on buying something anyway, you can help me by using my links to get to the site!  ;)

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