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Friday, October 22, 2010

The Bestest Best Birthday

This weekend was one of the best weekends I've had in recent memory.  My darling, wonderful husband whisked me away for my birthday to a rustic cabin near De Soto State Park in Alabama.

Since we're living with my family, we don't get as much "alone time" as we used to.  So instead of a party, we decided what we needed was just some simple time together.

We left early on Saturday morning without me having any idea of where we were headed.  We stopped at a garage sale or two along the way before arriving at De Soto. Now, I love De Soto.  (My friend and I used to go there when we were growing up to hike and play in the river.)  So De Soto is where he brought me.

We spent the midday taking a laid-back hike on some easy trails around the campground before eating a late lunch at the Lodge.  Then we headed to the cabin, which was part of Bear Creek Cabins in Fort Payne.  There are 5 cabins on the property (we stayed in #4) which are built to re-create the 1800s Little House in the Big Woods feel.

It was essentially all one room; the only room with a door was the bathroom.  The kitchen/dining area was on one side of the stairs, and the sitting area was on the other.  Up the stairs was the loft, in which the bedroom could be found.

I loved its simplicity and size.  If we knew that--for whatever reason--we would never have children, we would want to live in a cabin just like that. But we are certainly praying for many children, so we may have to enlarge the floor-plan just a bit.  ;)

We had a quiet Saturday evening resting and cooking and reading... and watching "Star Trek: The Original Series."  I'm quite a nerd, really, and so while I highly doubt we'll let our kids watch ST, I enjoyed reliving a few memories with Captain Kirk and his posse of space cowboys.

Trevvor had planned all the meals for us:  for dinners we had some hearty chili; sandwiches for lunches (which we actually didn't end up eating); Sunday's breakfast was blackberry pancakes and turkey bacon; and Monday's breakfast was French toast and more turkey bacon.  We also had several snacks and of course cake!  He made me a coconut cake and added some homemade coconut fudge to go along with it.  Isn't he incredible??  We also found our favorite apple juice (Martinelli's) and brought it and the red wine that my French host-mother had sent me last year along for some special drinks.  All in all, the menu was perfect.

Sunday we got up about 7:30, and after a lazy morning, we went hiking in Little River Canyon, which was almost in our backyard.  At first we just stopped and took pictures at overlooks, and then we saw a sign for a trail that went the 1/10 mile into the canyon.

It was incredibly steep and quite rocky, but with Trevvor's aid I made it all the way down in one piece.  We stayed down there about an hour, wading in the river (quite an adventure in a skirt), clambering on rocks, taking pictures, and just enjoying God's creation.

That Sunday evening was much the same as the one before, except we traded "Star Trek" in for "Homestead Blessings:  Canning" and "Soap Making."  It seemed fitting to learn pioneering skills during our cabin stint.  :)

Monday was my birthday, and unfortunately also check-out day.  We left our sweet cabin about 11:15 and headed to Mentone, AL, where Trevvor had found some quaint and artsy lunch locales. We ended up eating at The Wildflower Cafe, which serves only natural and organic foods (apparently Mentone is an artist community).  We both enjoyed our meals; Trevvor ate a Greek salad and I had an interesting but tasty stir-fry.  When the owner found out it was my birthday, she gave me a free piece of carrot cake!

After stopping at a post office in Henager to mail off some post-cards, we drove home.  Mom and Chris surprised me with another cake, some flowers, a balloon, and cards.  (Of course, my main gift from my family and Trevvor was the sewing machine, which I am LOVING, by the way.)

Dad came home a bit later and the family made steak and potatoes while Trevvor and I took a walk, savoring the last minutes of our "vacation."

It surely was the bestest best birthday, don't you think?

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