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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Colonic Cleansing…Who Knew Elimination Could Be So Good!

At first when I decided to get colonics I was very nervous.

I had an automobile accident when I was 18-years old. In that accident I suffered several injuries including: multiple bone fractures, lacerations to my stomach, left lung and diaphragm, spleen and my colon.

And, for the last 17-years I have suffered from residual ailments as a result of my trauma injuries and surgeries. Silently, I suffered digestive problems for years with no knowledge of a treatment to help aid my symptoms.

Symptoms I experienced were:
• Constipation
• Abdominal pain after eating
• Bloating
• Gas
• Inability to digest meat, dairy, or yeast

My weight would fluctuate from 5-7 pounds depending on what I ate that day.

Then, I soon realized it was my diet that was causing my digestive system to be out of whack.

Once I started to discover what was causing my Irritable Bowel Symptoms through the process of elimination, I soon discovered that my symptoms were due to a lack of intestinal enzymes needed to process certain foods properly; as a result to my previous traumas and lifestyle stresses.

My food sensitivity started with dairy and bread and ended with meats such as beef and pork. Therefore, I removed them from my grocery list.

However, when I dined out at some of Atlanta’s finest restaurants, my symptoms would reoccur.

In this society it is hard to eliminate all dairy, bread, and meat from some of our favorite meals. Even if they are not a part of our main entrée; at least one of the three are an ingredient used to make our dishes.

Therefore, I started to detox heavily, to eliminate everything I ate before it would cause digestive problems and make for a miserable evening.

Eventually, I started to suffer from anemia and exhaustion because I was eliminating the good with the bad.

One day I ran into this lady by the name of La Tanya Young who held my attention. Not only because her name is similar to mine (Tonya), but because she seemed knowledgeable in her line of work as a Physician’s Assistant (PA). La Tanya Young owns Sol Sanctuary Holistic Detoxification Center in Roswell, Georgia.

Needless to say, I scheduled an appointment with Ms. Young and was completely impressed by her services. Ms. Young greeted me at the door with a big smile. She sat me down and comforted me that my experience would not only be painless, but also relaxing.

She showed me around her facility. Then she escorted me to a room with a massage table and a dry sauna. I was instructed to lie down in supine position on a BioMat table and relax while the heat soothed my muscles and increased my circulation, allowing a more peaceful elimination.

After taking a quick nap on the BioMat for approximately 15-minutes, I was ready for action. La Tanya escorted me to the colonic table.

As I entered the room I saw a big beige plastic table with an open compartment that looked like a sink with an attaching hose.

But as I inched closer to the devise, I noticed that it was more like a birthing table with mantles for leg placement on each side of the table and a rectangular hole used as an elimination bowl with a thin hose attached (somewhat similar to a toilet with no sitting water).

It was then I was told that the process would be self-administered from this point forth. Boy was I relieved to know that she was not taking away one of the most personal experiences of my existence!

Ms. Young instructed me to:
1. Undress from the waist down.
2. Get on the table and cover-up with the disposable sheet.
3. Put on plastic gloves and lubricate the area of insertion.
4. Insert the tube (smaller than a pencil’s width) only 2-inches into my rear. (The tube is slightly curved upward for comfort, and to leave room for waste to eliminate without obstruction).

Once the process was done I pressed the button for farther instructions.

Next, she entered the room and turned the water on.

The saline water entered the inserted tube slowly. It was very warm and soothing; and the flow was non- disruptive to my sphincter muscles.

Within minutes I could feel my intestines filling with water and it was all downhill from that point forth.

The experience was more relaxing than a self-induced BM, because the warm water made the entire process slow, painless, and effortless.

I chose to watch the clear tubes as the waste traveled from my body through this long clear pipe which led to a toilet devise that Ms. Young came in to flush occasionally, as she re-heated the pillow she had placed on my stomach to help things loosen even more.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience.

Afterwards she escorted me to the sauna where I released even more toxins by sweating for 30-minutes.

The last step was the consultation in which we discussed my diet and she gave me future tips on detoxing at home, eating better for my body type, and aftercare tips for the next 48 hours.

I left Sol Sanctuary feeling refreshed and rejuvenated...AND about 10-pounds lighter!

For more information on Colonic Cleansing contact Ms. La Tanya Young at 770-717-7000, or log on to: www.solsanctuarydetox.com.

*This article was written by Tonya Jones, owner of World Therapy Center*

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