" " " complate desaign home: Off we go again!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Off we go again!!!

Ok..so I know I am a bad blogger. Heck, I even missed days while we were in UA and I had nothing else to do. Well, since we have been home, I have worked at least 12 hours a day, and sometimes 16 hours and I am tired, too tired to try to type something interesting up when there isn't really anything interesting going on here. But anyway, I booked tickets for me and Cody to leave Saturday at 1200 and we should arrive in Ukraine on Sunday at 415 pm. Hopefully, we will go straight to the train station and get to Sevastapol by Monday morning/afternoon and get the paperchase started. I am super excited for Cody to be going with me and I think it will be important for him to experience and see where the boys come from. Plus it will be cool for me and him to get to spend a whole week or so together. I can't wait to see how he does with the food. He is a very particular eater (and a very big eater). He has about 10 different foods that he loves and he eats over and over and over again. He will either change his weary ways or loose some weight while we are there...hehehe!

Anyway, I have been super busy at home, but can't seem to make any progress or get anything done that needs to be done. I have decided that I will not go to bed tonight until the boys room is sleep ready. Their sheets and blankets will be downy soft and their clothes will be all organized and ready to go! I promise this to myself! (It is so much harder than you think)

Now, for how I feel without having Cole and Caden here with me. I hadn't put a lot of thought in it before I had to do it. Leaving them there, knowing that they were not getting the love and things they needed, has tore a hole in me. It would be the exact same as leaving Danielle and Cody somewhere for a month that I knew was a bad situation. I miss them. Sean cleaned out our backpacks and suitcases and I saw there little pack of animal crackers on my dresser and I almost burst into tears. I hope and pray that they are ok and I promise that once I get my hands on them, I will never leave them again. I can't wait to get the home and get theirs lives started here. Please pray that everything goes smoothly and please pray that we get the QUICK passports. The office in Sevastapol will either have the red (fast-1 hour processing) or the blue (slow-4-10 days processing) passports and we won't know until we get there which one they have. PLEASE PLEASE have the red passports available so that we can get the heck out of dodge!

Will try really hard to keep everyone updated! I will leave you with two reasons why we are doing this......Caden thought Cole was getting more yogurt than him!


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