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Friday, December 10, 2010

Top 10 Holiday Gifts That Save Lives --2. Charity Contributions (Time, Money, Products or Services)

Presently, people are hesitant to assist others in need because the economy is at a disadvantage, and unemployment rates are unusually high.

Lack of money is the worst excuse for not contributing to charity events and organizations.

Offering a helping hand at a “feed the hungry event,” or making dinner plates for the homeless can save the lives of many people on the streets.

However, if you cannot afford to buy food or contribute money for food or supplies, try offering your time.

There are many organizations that could use a helping hand. Just a few hours of your time can help.

Try assisting organizations that help the inner city youth live up to their fullest potential by assisting charity football and basketball teams.

Or, you can help with after school programs such as tutoring; or assisting with after school art classes and drama clubs. The lists of organizations needing help are endless.

Organizations such as the Frank Ski Kids Foundation, Create Your Dreams, and Wholistic Stress Control Institute are great non-profit groups in the Metro-Atlanta area that help under privilege families, by exposing the kids to activities they would otherwise not have the money, time or transportation to participate in.

Events such as:
1. After school athletic events
2. Tutoring
3. Stress management services
4. Wellness programs and Stress control counseling
5. Prevention programs related to mental health, juvenile delinquency, violence, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, teen pregnancy, parenting and other areas.

For more information on how you can help out in your city, search the internet for non-profit organizations. Be sure to type in your city and state, and do the research to ensure you are picking one that is near and dear to your heart.

After all, it is not what you give that matters but how much love you put into your gift.

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