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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Top 10 Holiday Gifts That Save Lives - #6 Quality Time

Quality time is sometimes more important to people than money or expensive gifts.

There is nothing like warming someone’s heart by just being who we are, and sharing that with others.

Families and children living in boarding homes and foster homes get the feeling that no one in the world cares about their well-being.

The elderly in nursing homes often times say they feel as if their loved ones forgot about them. Like they were just put away to die.

Both situations sound lonely and sad.

Therefore, let us give the best gift of them all by visiting places like:

• Hospitals
• Nursing Homes
• Boarding Homes
• Foster Homes

Call ahead to find out if you can help serve a meal, read a story after dinner, or help with any events they have planned for the evening of your arrival.

There is nothing like the feeling you get when smiles brighten the room as you walk through the door.

If you’ve never blessed anyone with your presence; I challenge you to give it a try.

Not only will it brighten someone day, but it will make you feel priceless!

Your family and friends could use some love and affection as well. Visit a distant family member you rarely see.

Or call up an old friend from high school, and invite them out on the town for some entertainment.

It doesn’t matter what you plan, as long as you give your undivided attention.

And, as sure as karma is guaranteed...someone will return the favor for you someday when you need it most.

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