" " " complate desaign home: It isn't a Christmas post, but....

Friday, December 24, 2010

It isn't a Christmas post, but....

I received this email from a lady doing a study on attitudes towards motherhood, and she's focusing in on mothers who are part of conservative Christian groups.  I'll post her email here, and if any of you mammas are interested, send her an email (just change "(at)" to "@" and "(dot)" to ".").

"Hello there,

For my doctoral dissertation in psychology at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, I'm writing about how attitudes toward motherhood change as women move from secular society or modern religious communities to more traditional, conservative ones. Part of what interests me in this topic is bringing respectful inquiry to the often-reviled community of conservative religious communities. I think the modern world has a great deal to learn from conservative women, especially with regard to motherhood and family.

I would love to interview some conservative Christians who are mothers. I am looking for women who joined a conservative religious group after a modern or secular upbringing to talk about how their attitudes have changed. It will be all very relaxed and confidential. I am doing phone and Skype interviews. I'm looking for women with children still at home from the born-again, Quiverfull, evangelical Protestant, fundamentalist, or Baptist communities, who joined this community as an adult. (and if I'm missing your community that advocates Biblical patriarchy, it was a simple mistake. Please let me know so I'll include you in the study!)

Could you please pass this on to women you think would be interested, or contact me if you yourself are interested? I'm so curious to hear what they/you will say.

For research purposes, it would be great if you would contact me at this email address: motheringstudy(at)gmail(dot)com

Thank you so much,


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