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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Wishes...

 Okay. This is supposed to be our Christmas card. Except Shutterfly failed to deliver (on time, as promised) so I won't be sending any out until AFTER Christmas. : (

Regardless, I think I have pretty great kids to pose for this photo. And it wasn't even my idea. This year, their father came up with the idea and I was SURE they would revolt. But, they know it is pretty much all I ask of them at Christmastime, so I am still amazed that this one goes down in history as the easiest Christmas card shoot of them all.

Go figure... 

Our holiday table:

Oh, and I know you have all probably heard me bemoan my camera and the lacklustre quality of the photos it produces. Well, this year the handyman gave me such a surprise! We, who normally don't exchange much in the way of presents, actually surprised each other. I made a photo book for him commemorating his Ironman achievement and he gave me this sweet beauty:

So, after many hours trying to figure out how the heck it works, I should be able to shoot some better quality images for this old blog.

Just remember, I'm a slow learner, so don't expect too much too soon!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. 

And for your listening pleasure. This one gives me chills:

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