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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Top 10 Holiday Gifts That Save Lives- 4. Gifts of Love….PETS!

When you run out of holiday gift ideas for your friends, it is important to always consider their situation in life.

Maybe you know someone that just recently sent a son or daughter off to college, or away from home.

Or, if someone you love has undergone an illness, or maybe recently lost a family pet- you should probably consider giving them this gift of love.

Pets are the best remedy for someone willing to receive, as well as give, a lot of extra love.

Dogs and cats will warm your bed at night.

Fish brighten homes with beautiful scenery. And, the soothing vibrations from the tank elicit calmness throughout the room.

Birds make a home feel full of life by making beautiful music which makes us feel free and uninhibited.

The fact of the matter is that there are just as many animals needing a home, as there are people feeling lonely or down. Therefore, we should all consider giving someone a pet as a holiday gift, helping homeless animals on the street, and reporting any and all animal abuse cases right away.

Save an animal’s life this holiday season:

1. Adopt a Pet: The Humane Society. The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest animal protection organization. They work to reduce suffering and improve the lives of all animals by advocating for better laws; investigating animal cruelty ; encouraging corporations to adopt animal-friendly policies; conducting disaster relief and animal rescue; and providing direct care for thousands of animals at their sanctuaries, emergency shelters, wildlife rehabilitation centers, and mobile veterinary clinics. To adopt a pet of your preference or to send financial contributions to the Humane Society log on to http://www.humanesociety.org/.

2. Help a Homeless Pet: Help to save the life of a homeless animal. By calling the humane society to pick it up, feeding it, or if you feel that it is safe -providing a home for the animal yourself. Be sure to use special caution when approaching a strange animal (they can sometimes be unpredictably dangerous).

If you decided to give the strange animal a home:

* First, make sure no one is searching for it by checking for collars or posted lost and found signs.
* And second, be sure to assign a doctor for your pet, and take it to the vet right away. This will ensure safety for both your new pet, and your home.

3. Reporting Animal Abuse: If you know an animal that’s being mistreated. Report the situation to the Humane Society or your local police department, and they will guide you to the proper authorities.

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