" " " complate desaign home: THERE'S SNOW PLACE LIKE HOME .......... Ho Ho Ho..........

Friday, December 3, 2010

THERE'S SNOW PLACE LIKE HOME .......... Ho Ho Ho..........

The whole of the UK is covered in a blanket of snow and we are experiencing Arctic conditions........and, when this happens, everything comes to a grinding halt and, havoc ensues !! I, for one, hibernate close to the fireside, drinking tea, coffee, hot chocolate during the day, soup for lunch and then move on up to wine in the evening !! Life stands still somewhat while we keep warm and think about Christmas.

This gorgeous Georgian house ( somewhat out of focus I'm afraid ) is the home to offices now, but what a lovely place to work..........

This is St, Mary's church, just around the corner to where we live.  It was built in 1418  and contains Cromwell's family vault. A medieval stone coffin was recovered from the church in 1872, when it was found being used, inverted, as a doorstep !!!!

This is the entrance to the cemetery, located in my road. I find cemeteries really interesting ..... make of that what you will !!!! ..........

Here is the view from my landing......you can just about make out the snow ..........

Seedheads in our garden ..........

On Monday, I went out for lunch with the girls ( I do venture out sometimes when it snows ). I took this and the next  four shots from the back seat of my friend's car ( I was lucky not to be the driver and polished off a bottle of Sauvingon Blanc at lunch !! ). We drove through Epping Forest and it looked so beautiful........... much more beautiful than a couple of snaps taken whilst going at speed !
Epping Forest was where Henry V111 and Elizabeth 1st hunted and, the highwayman Dick Turpin had a hideout there. It is also very popular with murderers as a place to hide a body unfortunately.

There are still traces of Autumn leaves left on the trees .........

Well, I shall away in my beautiful sleigh, to buy Christmas pressies, higher tog duvets, hot water bottles and a crate of red wine.

It's freezing. 

image 1 - Esmahan Ozkan, 2-4 County website, images 5-12 by me, last image - The Snow Queen from Narnia 


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