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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday House Tour Ready

Or ready as I'll ever be. **Phew** It's been a lot of prepwork but I think I am officially DONE. Done decorating, done cleaning, done washing and done stressing. It is what it is at this point and I hope the people who paid to come through like it......or at least half of them.

Some key points to remember if you will be touring my home on Saturday:

1. I realize my style isn't for everyone but if you don't like it, please lie to my face. If you don't, I might cry.

2. I'm really exhausted so ignore the dark circles under my eyes.

3. I'll make every attempt to have a coherent conversation with you but if I sound like a bumbling idiot, refer to number 2 above.

4. We have 3 kids and 2 dogs. One of them sheds like crazy and I doubt I could possibly get all the hair up. If you see some, kindly ignore it. You know how you had a real Christmas tree last year and then you moved furniture and found needles on the floor in June? Yeah, it's kind of like that. Same goes for Silly Bandz, Legos and assorted tiny superhero figures.

5. Yes my house is always this clean.

6. Do not, I repeat, do not open my closets. You may get injured from things falling on you and I'd be super embarrassed and really, who needs that?

7. Ditto for the basement.

8. I may have lied about number 5.

9. This is how we really live. I didn't really change much except do a whole lot of cleaning and put some excess toys away. I started ironing pillowcases and such and then thought, nah...that's not really us. We are casual, no iron, toss shoes in a basket, it doesn't have to be perfect kind of folks and I wanted to show you the real us.

10. MOST importantly, I am so happy that you are taking time out of your weekend this busy holiday season to tour my home. I'm thrilled to be on the tour this year, so excited to meet everyone and no matter how much work it was getting ready....I would do it again in a heartbeat. I love decorating my home for the season and the fact that I get to show it to you is just icing.

I'll be back soon with lots and lots of pictures! Have a beautiful weekend everyone!

Wish me luck!!

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