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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yummy Dessert Tells Easter Story aka Ressurection Rolls

Shannon emailed me this fun, memorable way she teaches her kids the true meaning of Easter. She makes Resurrection Rolls. We made this yummy dessert this weekend and the kids loved it. . loved making them, loved the symbolism, and loved the taste!

Ingredients needed:

Crescent Rolls, Large Marshmallows, Cinnamon and Sugar Mixture, and Butter (melted)


1. Give each child a marshmallow. This represents Jesus. The kids think this is pretty funny; a marshmallow is Jesus!!

2. Tell the kids that after Jesus was taken off the cross, his body was prepared to be buried. Dip the marshmallow in melted butter. This represents the oils of embalming.

3. Dip the marshmallow in the cinnamon and sugar mixture. This represents the anointing spices.

4. Wrap the marshmallow (Jesus) in the crescent roll. This represents Joseph wrapping Jesus' body in a linen cloth after He died on the cross (Matthee 27:57-61). Don't do it like a typical crescent triangle. Instead, pull the edges up and seal it. Pinch it tightly together so the cloth does not pop open while baking.

Here is Jesus all wrapped up in the linen cloth. We did sprinkle some of the cinnamon mixture on top of the crescent roll dough. Tell your kids that this was the way Jews prepared bodies for burial in order to preserve them. Oh, but this was not needed for Jesus. . .if they only knew!!

5. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. The oven represents the tomb. Pretend 10-12 minutes is really 3 days!! When the Ressurection Rolls come out of the oven (tomb), they look like this:

6. Let the rolls cool slightly. Let your kids open up the "cloth" and see that Jesus is no longer there. HE IS RISEN! The marshmallow melts and the crescent roll is puffed and hollow.

And as the kids eat their yummy dessert, read Matthew 28:5-8 and explain what a special time this was. Explain how Mary Magdalene and the other Mary saw an angel who told them not to be afraid, that Jesus had risen from the dead. And how the angel told them to go tell the disciples what they had seen. Can you imagine how excited they were? This is what we celebrate at Easter.

If you missed my other fun and memorable ways to teach the true meaning of Easter to your kids, click here and here. And also make sure you check in again tomorrow, where I will share a few more ideas.

And I am sharing this Easter treat over at the blog Mom's Crazy Cooking. Tina is having a linky party where bloggers can link up their recipes for Easter cookies and treats. Click here to check out some cute and yummy ideas.

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