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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Shopping with a purpose!

I love nothing more than buying gifts for my mum.

I think every mother should be gifted with a beautiful, heartfelt token of love from their children on Mother's Day.
It doesn't need to be expensive and if you are up for it, you can make something using your God-given talents.
(like a beautiful meal, flowers from your garden, a special photograph set into a pretty frame, or even a day's labour - like gardening, a DIY project, some spring cleaning - especially fitting, seeing as she gave up at least a day "labouring" to have you!)

I love buying my mum something pretty to wear, as she never really  treats herself to clothes. In fact, when she does buy something, she usually hangs it in her closet for a suitable grace period until (and I am guessing here) the "newness" wears off. I didn't inherit that trait: As soon as I buy new clothes, they are on my back!

I have my gifts for my mother all wrapped and ready for when I go and visit her next weekend. I cannot wait! It has been four full months since I have seen her and I am so ready for one of her hugs.

Because I (like you) have the BEST mother in the world.
For real...

Now, if you want to win your mum a spectacular gift, then head on over here to enter to win the PERFECT present.

Did someone say, Anthropologie?

And while you're there, why not buy her a copy of the best magazine of the summer?

And I'm not kidding...it's really that gooood!!!!!!!!!!!

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