" " " complate desaign home: Bittersweet...

Friday, April 29, 2011


Like many, I awoke earlier than my usual time to watch the royal wedding of William and Kate (Catherine). Sure, I could have waited and watched it via the internet, but I like living in the moment. I'm old-fashioned like that.

After watching William and the other members of the royal family arrive at Westminster Abbey, I rustled Sophie from a sound sleep to see Kate arrive at the church and get that first glimpse of the wedding gown.
To say I loved it would be an understatement. Very reminiscent of Grace Kelly's gown, and flawless.

It was very different from Princess Diana's wedding gown. 

Even though I was an enamored young girl back then, I knew it wasn't the most fashion forward dress and very wrinkly...but it took my breath away. I thought she was stunning and magical as only she could be.

Which is why after watching the service today and witnessing not one, but two, brief and chaste kisses, I found myself crying. I am just so sad.

As a mum, I just wish that Diana could be here today to witness her beautiful boy's happy day. It breaks my heart that she can't and I can only imagine how much she is missed by her boys today. 

In fact, while searching for images to accompany this post, I stumbled upon one of Diana and Dodi just as they were driving off on that fateful night and I wanted to will her to stop. It takes my breath away that one moment can change so much for so many people. Mothers shouldn't die. Shouldn't be taken from their children. It is cruel.

So, I picked up the phone and dialed the only person I knew who would understand and not laugh or roll their eyes as I choked out a hello through my tears:
My sister. And she cried with me.

Ans now I am going to call my mum (who is much more stoic) and we will have a proper chat about the fashion and hats, and we will drink our tea and chew our toast over the phone, which neither of us will mind.

Because my sister will have none of that: no eating while on the phone!

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