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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring, Sprung... I'm done!!

(photo from the project that has been keeping me so busy!)

Sakes alive!
It feels like forever since I've taken a moment to update my blog.
To be perfectly honest, it has been a side effect of writing so many stories for the summer issue of Holiday
I was "typed out."

But I am on a "pseudo break:"
I am focusing my week on cleaning my house, picking up things to put in my children's Easter baskets.
Because you know that teenage boys are so big on that! hah!

Thank goodness Sophie is till little; she loves Easter!
Today we decorated the house for the holiday and if it wasn't freezing out I would feel like spring is truly here!

Utah was wonderful!

(Can you believe those mountains?!!)
Meeting Stephanie Nielson and her sisters was amazing.
Stephanie is so  kind and warm and has a quiet humor about her.

I think she was quiet because she was so exhausted by her week. She had spent the days preceding our visit being interviewed and filmed by Elizabeth Vargas for 20/20. It is airing some time in May, I think.

I also got to have a chat with Courtney, aka CJane.

She is every bit as funny and charming as she appears on her blog and vlogs. I had to tell her that I love her writing. Because I do. It is killer!

Before I went to Utah I made a pit stop at Matthew Mead's studio to shoot my story.
We had some great laughs at how some of my photos turned out.
You had to be there, I know, but I can be seriously unphotogenic.
It's why I don't load my blog with photos of myself.
Well, except for my fan photos, above!

Here is a very small sneak peek at my story. It involves a few of the traditions I have carved out with my kids for summer.. It is truly "me" and I love that. 

I have also been doing a lot of Zumba lately, to counteract the fact that I am on my rear-end, sitting at my computer so much. 
I LOVE it!
I can't believe I have finally found an exercise I enjoy.
I look like a dork doing it but I pretend I don't.
I have yet to find a pair of workout pants that don't fall down, though.
I even sprang for some Lululemon pants, but they manage to inch their way down, too.
And they are stupidly expensive. But Sophie thinks I'm cool, so that is worth something, right?
So I figure I burn a few extra calories by tugging at my pants as I dance/exercise.
You know, to hide my stomach...

And I am still afraid of my new camera.
I went from someone who took oodles of pictures to someone who never picks it up.
Isn't that stupid?
Why, yes. Yes, it is.

So, I am thinking of making a departure from my usual Easter dinner and recreating the luncheon that Matthew served Stephanie and her sisters. It was dee-licious!! Not that I got to taste anything. I was too busy schlepping stuff and being a good styling assistant. Believe me, there is nothing glamorous about assisting on a shoot. But it is FUN! I still have to pinch myself that I get to meet the people I do and be part of something I have always dreamed about.

Speaking of meeting people: When we were in Provo, we wre invited to dinner at the home of the amazing, renowned photographer, David Meredith. David has shot so many features for a multitude of well-known shelter magazines (including Country Home) and has photographed many of the gorgeous home interiors shots for Anthropologie.
Like this one:
And these ones:

His home was amazing and he and his wife made the most delicious meal...the mushroom soup and beef tenderloin...well, I still think about them and wish for that soup recipe! 
David is a true jet-setter, flying across the country non-stop to photograph projects for Barbara Barry, Diane von Furstenburg, and Anthropologie, among many others. He and his wife and Matthew and Jenny had a great time catching up and sharing stories about work and the people they know while I ate as slowly as I could (didn't want to reveal my true self) and took it all in.
It was truly a fun but tiring trip!

Long-winded much?
I do promise to check in more frequently.
I have a giveaway I'd like to do (and I don't do them often!) and some more news to share.

If you hung in for this entire monologue then hats off to you and I am grateful that anyone still comes here!
I have missed the interaction this blog gives me, but I have been peeking in on you.
And yes, I am bad not to comment as often as I should, so don't feel like you should comment on my rambling post!!

Now, back to sneaking chocolate eggs from my stash!!

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