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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mark All As Read

***Edited to add link at the end***

I have fallen way behind. I know when it started too. It all started when I went to Pakistan last year for a visit. I'd planned to document the trip as it happened, but as you might imagine, a trip to Pakistan where your husband has over 100 first cousins and his youngest brother is getting married can be a busy, hectic trip. So I wasn't able to keep up with it as I liked any by the time we returned to America, I had only documented the first week and a half of our 3.5 week trip. It took me MONTHS to finish up the trip log.

But that's not actually when I fell behind. I fell behind because while I was in Pakistan, I lost my cell phone. Well, lost and/or it was stolen. Depends on who you ask. I did keep my huge diaper bag on random tables at the the wedding halls and events we went to and didn't monitor it as closely as I should, and I arrived back on the shores of the United States without a phone.

And it had been a cool phone too, a Google G-1, the first Android phone and my first and only phone with access to email and the internet. It helped me keep up with the ramping up blog comments I got, and keep up with the ever-increasing number of blogs I was reading. After it was stolen, I couldn't keep up. When we got back I just used one of my Mian's ancient work blackberries. Except that it was prone to calling 911 from my pocket so instead I kept it off for the most past. Then when Chachoo's wife came to live in America, they got a family cell phone plan and since she'd recently gifted him a nice cell phone in Pakistan, he just switched out his SIM into that and gave me his free phone. No internet though, and no email. (But thankfully no unwanted Emergency responders either.)

But I've finally bought a new cell phone and it has the glorious capacity to access the internet and email whenever I want to. It's a brand new day - a fresh start. Except for a suffocating email inbox that has - seriously, no lie - over FIVE THOUSAND unread emails. And a Google Reader that has over 600 unread blog posts from people who I know and love and have missed reading.

It's been more than a year and I just keep drowning in unread emails and blog posts. I've finally admitted that there's no way I can ever get back on top of this pile and as of just now I've gone ahead and pressed the Mark All As Read button for all the various blog posts I never got around to. Also for all the emails sent to me since December 2009. I apologize if you are someone who just got inadvertently marked as read. But, hopefully this will enable me to - from today onward - to participate in blogging more than I have been. Please forgive me if yours was among the emails/blog posts just glazed over. If it was an important email, feel free to re-send it.

Hello internet, I'm glad to be back!

(Commenter bideshibiya has informed me that this is called declaring email bankruptcy and it's not unheard of! I feel better knowing I'm not the only one.)

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