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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How to Reverse the Effects of Stress….

If there has ever been a time in history when avoiding stress was inevitable, it is now. We experience pressure from our family and friends demanding time and attention.

We experience pressure with employment and the attempt to achieve our goals and ambitions; as well as our personal standards, our health and finances.

And, we fight with all of the doubts, fears and insecurities that we face even when our mind is sound asleep.

With all of this going on…there is no wonder why we are feeling unbelievable amounts of stress.

According to Paul Wilson, author of The Calm Technique, Stress is popularly accepted as the most common promoter of disease and discomfort in the Western world. It is blamed for escalating incidence of heart disease and the rising national blood pressure; it encourages almost every fashionable ailment from migraine headaches to cancer; it reduces resistance to disease; it contributes to the rampant insanity and social disorders that confront us every day of our lives.

Effects of Stress

1. High blood pressure
2. Indigestion
3. Constipation
4. Heart Palpitations/ Irregular heartbeats
5. Insomnia
6. Impotence

Unfortunately, stress doesn’t go away without intervention; it builds and builds until it negatively influences both the mind and body.

Therefore, it is very important to focus on reversing the effects of stress every single day. There is no such thing as a onetime fix for stress. But by combing diet, exercise, massage therapy and meditation; stress can be minimized and the effects of stress can be reversed.

Eating healthy well-balanced meals can help to reverse the effects of stress by boosting your mood, increasing energy levels, and keeping you focus. Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and higher in fiber also helps to boost the immune system to fight off the many effects of stress.

Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel good. It is said to be equivalent to the satisfaction you get when eating or being with the one you love. Therefore, by increasing your weekly exercise regimens, your stress levels will start to decrease.

Massage Therapy
Much like exercise and meditation; regular massage therapy has been documented to promote relaxation, increase blood circulation through deep breathing and muscle manipulation, and to immediately reduce stress.

Meditation influences your state of mind by making you feel more relaxed and happy. It calms the nervous system, increases blood flow and the circulation of nutrients throughout the body by promoting deep breathing.

Overall, a combination of diet, exercise, massage therapy and meditation can have profoundly positive effects on stress reduction.

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