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Friday, April 1, 2011

Fostering a Kitty!

As if moving isn't crazy enough, we have also taken in a young feline mamma-to-be!  I picked her up on Tuesday from someone who had found her wandering around her house but couldn't keep her.  I figured that while I'm waiting to care for foster kids or for babies of my own, I can help her care for hers!

We haven't named her yet.  I'm trying not to get too attached, because we may not be able to keep her forever.  We're just calling her "Mama Kitty," trying to keep it simple.  She's a sweetheart, very accepting of caresses and even of grooming.  I took her to the vet on Wednesday and he said that she would probably deliver in a couple of weeks.  I've been studying cat pregnancy, labor, and newborn kitten care rather frantically....  I know they're usually fine on their own, but I'll feel better knowing that I'm prepared.

Maggie and Nina aren't sure what to think of this third brown tabby. They pretty consistently stand watch over her door, sniffing and pawing at it.  We've kept her separated in case she was sick and so they can have some time to adjust to the presence of a third cat.

If any of you have ever had a mamma kitty, could you pass along some tips or resources??

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