Thursday, March 3, 2011



The Prince Rev. Dr. Ndriana RABARIOELINA, Chief of the Council of Kings and Princes in Madagascar, has sent official letters to His Excellency Mr. Ban KI-MOON (General Secretary of UN), the President of WORLD BANK, the General Manager of IMF and the President of the European Union, the President of SADC, for ensuring them that the resolution to the crisis in Madagascar requires respect for Zanahary, the Lord YHWH Creator of the Universe, their national identity, their own civilization, their pluri-millenial history and their cultural values.

The Council of Kings and Princes in Madagascar has transmitted to the General Secretary of the United-Nations and to the International Community the solution for ending the crisis in Madagascar, in accordance with the deep aspirations of the Malagasy people.

The Prince also confirmed that the resolution of crisis in Madagascar will go through the respect of Human Rights, the harmonization of "tradition and modernity" through the FANJAKAN’I MADAGASIKARA (KINGDOM of MADAGASCAR) for a real fair, balanced, fair, continuous, comprehensive, robust and sustainable development, as in the Kingdom of Norway (N°1 rank of the world's Human Development Index, UNDP, 2010).

These are the fundamental points of the Resolution of Crisis in Madagascar:

- Participation of all Forces Vives of the Nation in the process of Transition (without exclusion).
- Formation of a military-civilian, neutral, apolitical Government of Transition, consisting of honest, non-corrupt, competent, efficient technocrats, headed by a neutral President of Transition and a neutral, apolitical and technocrat Prime Minister.

- Total reconstruction of other transitional institutions, like the House of Lords, the House of Commoners from the Superior Council of Transition ( CST) and the Congress of Transition (CT), the Economical, Social and Cultural Council (ESCC), and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), with members who are the representatives of all the Forces Vives of the Nation.

- Complete overhaul of the Electoral Code.
- Creation of a new law on the Forces Vives of the Nation.
- System usage of a single ballot in legislatives elections.
- Complete overhaul of the electoral lists;
- Revision of the electoral calendar: between Mey 2011 to November 2011.
- Total reconstruction of the members of the High Constitutional Court (HCC)...
- Legisative election (House of Commoners) under the conducting of the United-Nations.

- Confidence-building measures to create an atmosphere of calm, putting an end to ongoing legal proceedings brought against members the opposition that might arise as based on political reasons and to release immediately all political prisoners (civilian, military, religious), and ensuring respect for the rule of law and the principle of equal treatment.

These confidence-building measures can not cover judicial proceedings in connection with crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide, assassinations, murders, massacres, misappropriation of public funds, destruction of public property and private property, Illegal exports of goods and national resources, and serious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

- Protection and promotion of Human Rights in Madagascar and respect of fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, opinion and association, freedom of press, and the immediate opening of all closed broadcastings radios and television stations.

- Granting broad amnesty for all political events since 1960 until the present times. Excluded from the amnesty of crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes of genocide, assassinations, murders, massacres, destruction of public property and private property, misappropriation of public funds, illegal exports of goods and national wealth and other serious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

February 25, 2011.
Antananarivo, Madagascar.

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