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Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring energy...

Today i had a real good burst of Spring energy and managed to accomplish lots of little jobs around the house in preparation for the warmer months ahead insha'Allah.

Picnic blankets were washed and dried on the line outside, and our spare pillows and winter duvet were aired before being stored away until next Winter.

New bed linen was put on our bed and the thinner quilt for Spring / Summer.

I dug up weeds from our driveway and sprayed those that i couldn't manage to get from between the cracks with weedkiller to make the job much easier in a couple of weeks time.

I found many beetles, ladybirds and caterpillars along the way and took care not to hurt them whilst guilt set in that i was in fact destroying their homes just so that the front of our house could look more aesthetically pleasing.

I baked a cake which is delicious and most certainly going to be baked again and again.

And i shared some of my seeds out and made little seed packets for my mum so that she can try and use them in her new garden this year insha'Allah - she hasn't had a garden for about 5 years and just moved closer to me where she now has a big one! I've planted lots of seeds myself so far, i think ive done about a third of them. The lettuce are the first to germinate, these two photos were taken just 2 days apart. We went from one tiny lettuce to a whole potential weeks worth!

I've seen bee's and butterfly's this week and the birds are in a constant choir. I love it all so much.

So its been a very lovely, blessed, and relaxing day actually, im going to spend this evening with my hubby eating cake, drinking tea and watching The Soprano's. xx

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