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Friday, August 6, 2010

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going

Greetings all!  I've been fairly MIA (again) the past couple weeks, but I have good reasons--I promise!  Obviously the Baby Conference happened, so no posting during that.  Then the next three weeks were spent with Trevvor's awesome younger siblings, Laurrel and Stuartt, so I didn't want to be online too much while they were here.  Not to mention we made a round trip from AL to PA two weekends ago (for Trevvor's dad's wedding) and we're about to make a trip to NC today through Sunday.  (Speaking of "through," what do y'all think of the alternate spelling, "thru"?  Just a fad, or a needed orthological alteration?)

A couple of days after we returned from Texas, Laurrel (Trevvor's 17 year old sister) came down from PA to visit us for a week and a half.  It was so great having a sister!  There are few things like having a younger sibling to make you aware of your own spiritual deficiencies.  I was every moment keenly aware of the example I was setting and of the testimony I was (or wasn't) being for Christ.  On a lighter note, it was incredibly fun doing "girly" things throughout the week... shopping, being silly, going to a tea room, talking about "girl stuff" (I've really missed that!)....  We even watched lots of home-videos from my growing up years, which was neat.

The following week, Stuartt (Trevvor's 15 year old brother) came to visit!  We played lots of board games (I actually WON some of them, which NEVER happens) like checkers, Clue, and Apples-to-Apples.  Trevvor and Stuartt played Risk, which is completely over my head.  On Friday, Stuartt and I made pumpkin chocolate-chip cookies, and that evening he and Trevvor went for a bike-ride.  Early Saturday morning we all three went for a hike on a nearby mountain, which was much more strenuous than it used to be, both because I'm more out of shape and because the trail has continued to erode.

Both visits were incredibly fun, and I loved getting to bond with my (relatively) new family here at home!

Another exciting event in our lives is that we bought our first car together as a couple!!  It's a '95 Volvo station wagon with about 200,000 miles on it.  It's so comfortable, and it runs great (and had a really nice price to boot)!

Today Trevvor and I are headed to North Carolina to visit with a family who has been part of Trevvor's life since childhood, and we're so excited!  We'll get back on Sunday, and so maybe NEXT week I'll finally be able to continue my "What We Believe" series.  The next two posts will be:

  1. Church organization, structure, and leadership

  2. Women's roles in the church

If you have anything you'd like to be particularly addressed in these posts, please let me know in a comment!

Have a good weekend, everyone!

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