" " " complate desaign home: Day 10

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 10

Ok....I am still confused on what day it is. We did get our referral for David on Wednesday. We had to go to the SDA at 9 am, back at 2 pm, then back at 530 pm for our referral. I have no idea what or why we had to do that. We went in for our "interview" but they did not ask us any questions or even speak to us, so not sure what the purpose of all of that was...but anyway, we then headed to the dreaded train. Yes, another 17 hours on the train. I made a tragic mistake. I did not take any medicine and it was awful. This was by far the worst of the train rides. I strongly suggest ALWAYS getting a first class ticket, even if it is another $125 more. It is soooo worth it.

Anyway, we arrived back in Sevastapol on Thursday at 1pm. We were met my our driver and our translator and the running began. We went to the inspector's office, the notary, the orphanage, and then back to the inspector's office. For Lydia and Liam's moms.....I asked the orphanage director about them. She said they were both here and both really healthy and happy babies. She also said that we could see them, but they were napping right then. I told her that families were on the way for them and she was so excited. I truly believe the director really cares for the children and wants them to have families. She was tearful when I told her that you all were coming and she said that we could get updated pictures for you all. Hoping that happens soon. I also asked about little Emory. She said that he was well and gaining weight. She also said that he was going back to Kiev in a couple of months to have his colostomy reversed and that they think his GI system will be fairly normal after the next surgery. I can't wait to see all of the babies. It is so weird because you can hear them crying or just making noise, but never see them. Even when I pick David up from his groupa, there are no babies visible. I think they are just all laying in their cribs. So sad.

So, after the running around for paperwork, we took our translator to the bus station. She said all of our paperwork was completed and we could apply for a court date on Friday. She was very excited about this and said it usually takes 7 days to get everything together for a court date, but we did it in one day. I didn't have the heart to tell her that it has been 10 days, not one, but whatever...the paperwork is done and Olga is coming to Sevastapol on Friday to talk to the judge as request a court date. Please Dear God let it be soon. I am so homesick. I miss my Cody and Ducky so bad. I couldn't sleep last night thinking that we were out of our minds leaving our kids behind. I should have insisted that they come with us, but then they would have been miserable with all the travel and plus, they would have missed school. It doesn't help that we haven't had internet access for 3 days and we haven't got to talk to them.

We had our driver take us to a real grocery store and OMG! We found an Ukrainian "Walmart" called "FoxMart". It was hysterical. We bought $75 worth of groceries and it should last us for many days. Our apartment is like out of an Austin Powers movie. The landlord was showing us around so proudly of the lime green and black leopard skin rug, the multicolor dimmer lights, and all of the other funny stuff. I almost lol, but could see that she was extremely proud of all of it. It is nice, though, expect no internet access. She promised to have it fixed by Friday.

So, we haven't seen Anton or David since Monday and we are at coffee shop down the street for the internet access. Hopefully, we will see them today. Cody and Danielle-be on the computer tonight. We will walk down here this evening if the apartment internet is not working.

Last thing, the boys finally have their names...Anton's new name is ...... Cole Elijah Carmichael (tribute to Miss Elisha Janeway) and David's new name is.....Caden Sean Carmichael (tribute to you know who). Will try to update ASAP.


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